Counselling Options in Mudgee (and surrounds)
There are a number of counseling options that are available in the Mudgee Area. Each counsellor these specialises in different counselling models and issues. Different services are funded in different ways.
Services have different waiting lists and costs associated with the counselling.
It is recommended that you find the right service for your situation in this mix. You need to find a counsellor that you can feel comfortable with as well as one that has skills for the issues that you face and any type of therapy that is listed for you. You will also want a counsellor that works to the budget and times that suit you.
Despite the list of counselling services here there is usually a high demand for services and wait times may be involved.
The Private services in Mudgee include:
Strong Minds (Marathon Health) offer counselling through Clinical Psychologist Bev Johnson who is based at Mudgee Psychology but also works at Kandos, Coolah, Dunedoo and Gulgong.
Steph Carrigan (Therapy With) is a Clinical Psychologist based in Mudgee on Monday's and doing telehealth on Tuesdays. She provides support services to children and adults.
Penney Consulting - Amy Penney's psychological service. Sees clients under mental health care plans (Medicare including bulk billing for eligible clients), Victims of Crime, NDIS and Open Arms (veterans and veterans families). Works Mon-Thurs.
Mudgee Counselling Service: Lone Ashlin is a recognised counsellor with PACFA and is able to provide counselling under Health Insurance.
Mudgee Psychology: This is the biggest counselling practice in Mudgee with the most clinicians, each clinician has their own skills. I suggest you check out their website for more information.
Mudgee Therapy Rooms: This is a smaller counselling practice including counsellors
Marea Farley is a Social Worker who focuses on families and marriages and provides some counselling on the weekend
Angela Middleton is a Social Worker who focuses on counselling Victims of Crime and has specialised as a Sexual Assault counsellor
Focus Time Psychology is Neville Shackleton's counselling service. He sees clients under Medicare (at times bulk billing) and specialises in EAP, Marriage counselling, VVCS/OpenArms, Strong Minds and NDIS
Linda MacKay marriage counselling
Tanya Spalding the Uniting Child & Family Therapist, at the Family Options Counselling team Mudgee
Cudgegong Counselling - Renee Lamshed is a trained ACA Counsellors, that can help individuals, couples, families or groups. They are able to see people through the NDIS.
Peter Watt: Peter is a psychologist that works out of Mudgee Medical Centre at times. He also works across the region with sex offenders.
Choose Your Future Counselling is a counselling service run by Joanne Cotterill. She focuses in providing counselling services for the following agencies, Open Arms, NDIS, Victims of Crime,and Medicare Home Visits. Joanne also sees some clients under EAP agreements.
Mudgee Community Health (0263719700) also has some specialist counsellors including:
Sexual Assault Counsellors, who focus on recent sexual assault work and children
Social Workers who focus on working with families and children with Autism
Child Protection Counsellors who receive referrals from Family and Community Services and work intensively with families.
Mental Health who focus on mental health conditions that involve risk or require psychiatry review and medication monitoring (there are Child and Adolescent, Older Persons and Adult Teams of Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologists and Occupational Therapists). Mental Health referrals can be made through 1800 011 511.
Drug and Alchol counsellors. Referrals this service can be made by calling 1300 887 000
There are also services that come into town including:
Inter-relate to assist with marriage counselling and family break-up issues
NALAG is the National Association for Grief and Loss
Most schools have a school counsellor available to them
Mudgee TAFE has a counsellor available on site two days a week (Neville Shackleton)
Many workplaces can organise counselling through Empolyee Assistance Programs (EAP)
Financial help (and sometimes covering of costs) for counselling services can come from:
Open Arms (the old Veterans and Veterans counselling service)
Strong Minds (Marathon Health)
Victims of Crime (VoC) - counselling can also be offered via telehealth
Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (including NewPsyc)
Some private health funds also cover counselling. You would need to check with your health fund to confirm if you are eligible.
If you know of any services that are not listed here that you think should be listed you can ask that they be added by emailing me.