Please be advised that the counselling practice in Mudgee will be closing in 2024 and as such no new clients are being accepted at this time.
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Choose Your Future Pty Ltd is company that offered counselling services covering Mudgee district.
It now only offers counselling services online
Counselling is available in consulting rooms, online and via home visits (when approved).
You can contact us in the following ways.
mobile: 0468343305 (04 MUDGEE 05)
fax: 0283228021
Joanne Cotterill is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and member of the Australian Association of Social Work (AASW). She has over 20 years of experience as a social worker and also has qualifications in Psychology, Social Impact Management and Life Coaching.
Jo specialises in working with:
Children and young people (over 14 years of age)
People who have experienced trauma
People suffering from mental health conditions
People with migrant backgrounds
Aboriginal people and families
People who experience discrimination.
Social Work Academy
Costs for counselling services:
Joanne charges $240 for a one-hour counselling session. The recommended fee for someone with her qualifications is $270 per hour. Joanne charges this rate and expects payment at the time of appointment.
Any cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will also result in this charge.
Additional costs may be charged if you request Joanne to travel to you, attend court with you or write a report for you.
Joanne is also recognised as a counselling provider for a number of agencies.
The following types of referrals allow for free sessions for clients (with conditions) and the payment rates and conditions for this counselling are set by the relevant organisation:
1. For those clients who have an NDIS Plan, NDIS counselling rates through MyGov are applied.
2. A referral from OpenArms (the old VVCS service) is accepted as payment for service. This is a service for anyone who was in or has had a family member serve 1 day or more in the Australian Military
3. A Victims of Crime referral is also accepted as payment for service. Please be advised that new referrals for Victims Services are no longer being accepted.
4. Referrals from some Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) including NewPsyc are accepted as payment for service. Please be advised that new referrals for EAP are no longer being accepted.
6. DVA Health Cards (Gold and White) are accepted as payment upon a GP referral. Please be advised that new referrals for DVA are no longer being accepted.
7. A limited number of Bulk Billing services under Medicare are available. Please be advised that new referrals for Bulk Billing are no longer being accepted.